- Pressed enter to dismiss editing, also tried blurring element
- Hesitated on where to click to edit education
- Started attach video task too early
- Visible feedback needed after adding supplement
- "Inspire picture editing" -- make it clear that they should upload a picture
- Allow pictures to be links (instead of uploads?)
- Didn't use the "copy text" button, manually selected and copied
- Mailed link to himself to save.
- Clicked video text to play it, didn't recognize slate icon
- Data entry is straightforward
- Do extraneous "add another" (without filling in any text) disappear on blur?
Feedback from Prototyping Day 1 (Iteration 1)
User 1:
- Clicked the add button to edit existing school
- Where did the paperclips go? No visible way to add supplemental content
- User clicked the boilerplate text saying "and then add supplemental content" to attach the video
- Didn't know if he could edit school by clicking on boilerplate, thought needed to click add
- Where will "add another" put the new school?
- Add another: should edit if there aren't any existing
User 2:
- Correctly edited contact info
- Hesitation for choosing where to click to edit school
- Trouble finding attach button; once it was clear that paperclip was icon, he figured it out.
- No problems on dialog
- Difficulty finding how to attach
- More affordances that text is editable.
User 3:
- Pressed enter to dismiss editing, also tried blurring element
- Hesitated on where to click to edit education
- Started attach video task too early
- Visible feedback needed after adding supplement
- "Inspire picture editing" -- make it clear that they should upload a picture
- Allow pictures to be links (instead of uploads?)
- Didn't use the "copy text" button, manually selected and copied
- Mailed link to himself to save.
- Clicked video text to play it, didn't recognize slate icon
- Data entry is straightforward
- Do extraneous "add another" (without filling in any text) disappear on blur?
Feedback from Prototype Day 2 (Iteration 2)