3) The link "Search" on the top bar is confusing. (You can see this in the 3rd and 4th picture above. We left this in the picture to show the change compared to the other pictures)
We originally put it there so that you can search for everything there is on the site (trips, friends etc), but all three users were clicking it for almost everything instead of following other links.
be more intuitive.
Prototype iteration
The overall feedback we got from the users was very positive. They had a good idea of what was happening right after the briefing and they were achieving the tasks easily. Most of the observations were improvements suggested from the users (but they could still perform their given tasks successfully).
In the second iteration, we removed the "search" link from the bar on the top.
We changed the link from "My World" to "Friends Trips Map" to make it completely obvious.
As you can see in Picture 4, we have added a search bar for the map (the yellow sticker).
In the create trip, we put a red star next to the "Top things to do" and the user cannot save the trip unless he has filled at least one "Thing to do." We have also added the "Submit" button.
For the "+Add Trip" we just made the label bigger and bolder, so that it is more eye catching for amateur users.
Finally, we decided to use some drop down "Elements" for the Friends, so that we still have everything there, but unimportant parts are hidden from the main page. If you want more details, they drop down
with a mouse click.