- user wants to know more about 21H.467, like the name. Once the user clicked on it, the name and info popped up, but it's a history class and she was not interested in taking a history class at all. She mentioned that it would be useful to see the name before clicking on it, because she never would have clicked on it if she saw the name of the class ahead of time.
- when she noticed that there was a message saying you could drag and drop classes to the right sidebar, she remarked “oh!”
- user guesses that any classes dragged to these boxes will stay there (will be persistent) – user is correct
- user wants to look at the description again when it's in the box – this operation is allowed
- “what does finalize mean?” - at the time, the “my classes” page was called “finalize” - this was very confusing to people
User test 3:
Task 1
- User wants to see the names next to the numbers on the HASS categories list.
- User attempts to use calendar feature
- user tries to click on the small icon – calendar pops up
- user suggests it would be useful to have a “cancel” or “X” button
- user asks why some of the hass departments are underlined
- For course numbers, need tooltips
Task 2
- User finds it annoying that if he/she wanted to change an option using the left sidebar, that the departments are checkboxes inside of a listbox.
- user asked “Can I save searches?”
- user wants a link to ocw from each course's description – “is stellar necessary?”
- user asked “do I drag it over?”
Task 3
- User suggests that it would be useful to keep the schedule up/visible somewhere on the screen
- Might be useful to overlay other people's schedules
- Friends page needs last names as well
Iteration 2
User test 1:
Task 1
- User found all of the options just fine, and found the huge “Search” button
Task 2
- User finds the boxes on the side of the page and uses the correct motion (drag and drop) to place the classes into the boxes.
Task 3
- User clicks on friends button and finds friends
Task 4
- User found the email classes button easily
User test 2:
- User clicks all of the options properly
- User wasn't sure if they were supposed to repeatedly click or click and drag for the scheduler
- User didn't see the department option at first – confused it with the hass category
- Once the user found the department chooser, they found it easy to select the correct choices to complete the task
Task 2
- User completed this task extremely easily
Task 3
- User found the friends button easily
- To add a class that someone was taking, user guessed “I guess I click and drag”
Task 4
- Found the email option somewhat quickly
User test 3:
Task 1
- User found final and CI-H options easily
- User found departments easily, but had some trouble finding category 9 because it's not in numerical order (departments are sorted by HASS-ness, i.e. the 21's are at the top, etc)
- User did the calendar task easily
Task 2
- User first clicked on a class (more info about the class appeared), then figured out that they could drag and drop it to the boxes
Task 3
- User completed this task easily
Task 4
- User completed this task easily
General thoughts on things to change from second iteration:
- on friends page, instead of having search at top, but it lower on te page.
- maybe put “
” symbol in corner of class post it notes as a more info popup- currently there is no affordance to click on the post it notes.
- What about a trash can box for classes you definitely don't want to take?
- If you hover on 21M.606 (small post its) it should show name/more info
- Names of classes should appear next to the class number on the large post it notes.
- Only put the 21's at the top of the department list, everything else should probably just be in numerical order
Prototype iteration
Changes from iteration 1 to 2: