User Levels and Groups What are Administrators? <#f4r0> What are Moderators? <#f4r1> What are usergroups? <#f4r2> Where are the usergroups and how do I join one? <#f4r3> How do I become a usergroup leader? <#f4r4> Why do some usergroups appear in a different color? <#f4r5> What is a “Default usergroup”? <#f4r6> What is “The team” link? <#f4r7> Private Messaging I cannot send private messages! <#f5r0> I keep getting unwanted private messages! <#f5r1> I have received a spamming or abusive e-mail from someone on this board! <#f5r2> Friends and Foes What are my Friends and Foes lists? <#f6r0> How can I add / remove users to my Friends or Foes list? <#f6r1> Searching the Forums How can I search a forum or forums? <#f7r0> Why does my search return no results? <#f7r1> Why does my search return a blank page!? <#f7r2> How do I search for members? <#f7r3> How can I find my own posts and topics? <#f7r4> Topic Subscriptions and Bookmarks What is the difference between bookmarking and subscribing? <#f8r0> How do I subscribe to specific forums or topics? <#f8r1> How do I remove my subscriptions? <#f8r2> Attachments What attachments are allowed on this board? <#f9r0> How do I find all my attachments? <#f9r1> phpBB 3 Issues* Who wrote this bulletin board? <#f10r0> Why isn’t X feature available? <#f10r1> Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board? <#f10r2> |