Versions Compared


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Error prevention - One of the errors that the user might make is to find the wrong party.  By providing comprehensive information about the party, including the exact map location, this user interface prevents the user from making that error.

Design #2

Our second design pursues a different way of finding parties and displaying the music that is popular on its playlist. Instead of searching for the party name, the user will search for a particular location and a map of local parties will be displayed. The user can then select a party and views its "playlist." The playlist is actually a info-graphic of the genre of music that will be played at the particular party, with a large font-size for a genre suggesting it is more popular. When a user clicks a genre to explore the music, they are "voting on that genre" and it makes the font grow relatively larger than the other genres. They can then vote on particular songs of a genre, which is displayed next to the genre, and also upload their own music for that genre. 


Learnability - This design should be fairly intuitive.  The user should be familiar with a simple search button , as well as the use of the 5 star rating system, playback, pause, fast forward and reverse buttons of a song.  Nonetheless the addition of certain features such as top parties, user favorites, and top 25 songs, as well as the use of color and texture does increase the learning curve in comparison to a simpler UI

Visibility -  This design utilizes a different approach.  Through its utilization of tabs, it separates the upload music page, the music, and the event description, simplifying the content for the user .   In addition, the use of flames as well as red and blue provides color and texture for a more sophisticated visual representation of a song's popularity. 
