David now see s a list of music on the K-Pop side. He listens to Big Bang's hit song Nocturnal and downloads it by clicking the arrow on the floating song control bar at the bottom of the page.
Analysis of Design #2
Learnability - While the interface itself is very simple, it may not be clear to a first user what the purpose of the page is. One of the reasons this is true is because the name "Remote Playlist" does not tells that it is a music recommendation site for parties. One way we can mitigate this problem is by adding a 3 step instruction on the homepage to explain to the user how to use the website.
Error Prevention
Design #3
For the following design, the title page will consist of a search box on the bottom, a dynamic view of search results,and a series of tabs on the left hand side for top party searches. The purpose of the top party searches tab is to enhance user efficiency by gathering data on search history, and providing the top 5 searches as quick access options. An autocomplete functionality for the search box will help prevent user typos and errors. In addition, an upload music button will be constantly present on the bottom of the page. With its pop-up functionality, the idea is to enable the user to upload music to the site while still being able to download, vote, and listen to music. As the user finds his playlist among the list of user searches, he will click on the link as soon as he or she finds a desired match. The page will shift to the second window, in which the active playlist is now shown. The playlist here can be organized by rank, title, and the artist, and provides a range of different functionalities. The play button allows the user to play the particular song. The yes/ no button is used to allow user feedback on a song's popularity, which will determine its relative ranking in the song list. In addition, a download button will be added to the rightmost section of each song.