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Upload dedicated ssh-key to http://www.globusonline.org/ Then from my laptop I did: ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t cli.globusonline.org endpoint-list should show nothing. But add the -p, This should produce a public list that includes nersc#dtn & nersc#hpss. (always just use the -t to hide any passwords you might need ...) ... nersc#dtn nersc#dtn_new nersc#hpss ... Activate both those endpoints, ssh -t cli.globusonline.org endpoint-activate nersc#* This will prompt for a pass phrase - use your nim password. Now list again & this should show the endpoints with a time associated with it ( we can increase the time to 11 days as needed). ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t cli.globusonline.org endpoint-list Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding. nersc#dtn 11:59:28 nersc#dtn_new 11:59:28 nersc#hpss 11:59:28 Connection to cli.globusonline.org closed. Now copy 1 file from HPSSdisk to HPSS disk. Here's my example. balewski-mac:~ balewski$ echo "nersc#hpss/home/b/balewski/test1/aa.28MB nersc#dtn/global/scratch/sd/balewski/w2011/starFebB/036/st_physics_12036062_raw_1010001.daq" nersc#hpss/home/b/balewski/test1/aa.28MBb " | ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t cli.globusonline.org transfer Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal. balewski-mac:~ balewski$ ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t cli.globusonline.org details 72940a7a-49fd-11e0-8d56-123139054450 Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding. Task ID : bd01974c72940a7a-49dc49fd-11e0-8b048d56-123139054450 CreatedTask transferType task with 1 file(s) It will return a task: idTRANSFER Parent andTask youID can query that specifically via ssh -t cli.globusonline.org details your-task-id : n/a Status : SUCCEEDED Request Time : 2011-03-09 03:29:31Z If this all works, then try to sync a directory tree from a source to a destination - here is my example from disk to hpss echo "nersc#dtn/global/scratch/sd/porterbalewski/recow2011/2007ProductionMinBiasstarFebB/036/ nersc#hpss/home/pb/balewski/porterw2011VM/ -r -s 1 " | ssh -i .ssh/id_dsa-globus-balewski -t cli.globusonline.org transfer You need the slashes at the end of the directory names. The 's 1' means use filesize to determine success. I believe the '-r' is recursive and '-s 1' is use filesize for sync. '-s 3' uses md5sums. The details are: http://www.globusonline.org/beyondbasics#chap-xfer Let me know how that goes. The same syntax could be used to copy files/directories between rcf and nersc once the rcf endpoint is configured. |