When Rob gets home, he decides to make himself a snack to fuel up for the basketball game, but this means pushing the game back half an hour. No worries, he just logs back on EventHub, navigates to the page of his events, and edits the event he just created, moving the time back half an hour. He saves the event changes and makes himself a peanut butter, nutella, and banana sandwich. Rob receives a text message on his phone, letting him know the new details of the event. And 15 minutes before he receives another, reminding him that the event is about to happen.
After his snack, Rob checks EventHub before heading out. His friends Jake and Amy (players on the boys and girls varsity teams, respectively) have RSVPed to his event, so he knows he’ll definitely have people to play with. When he shows up to Dupont, two other guys he doesn’t know are there too. New pickup buddies, nice.