Screen 1: Upon startup, the user sees a map with the locations of each of his/her races highlighted. There are buttons to zoom in on the current location and to go to options. Multitouch gestures are accepted.
Screen 2: When zoomed into a location, the user can see old races (and their titles over the start points), as well as a button on the current location to start a new race from the current location.
learn: This is the regular google maps interface on the iPhone
Eff: It isn't trivial to go to your current location and click on "new race"
Vis: Your current location in respect to other trails is visible. All races are represented and grouped logically
Err: All actions are reversible and there are no modal screens.
Screen 3: Once the user clicks on "new race", he/she sees a list of the recently used race screen configurations. If the user wants, he/she can choose one of those for the new race or create an entirely new configuration.
learn: Every clickable action has affordances and are similar to other iPhone interfaces
Eff: It is not easy to compare configs
Vis: Configs are listed, but there are no details and you can't see your current location while picking a config
Err: Choosing a config is irreversible
Screen 4: The configuration editor screen allows you to move around panes of information and add/remove specific plots or pieces of information from the race screen. Once the user is set, he/she can start the race.
learn: It is easy to determine which actions are available
Eff: You can't compare or copy other configs
Vis: This view is exactly how the race config will appear when you are racing. You can't see the notes for the race unless you are editing them.
Err: you can move elements around, which is reversible. removing/adding elements is reversible. The only irreversible action, beginning the race, is close to other buttons, which may lead to errors.
Screen 5: Once the race starts, the chosen configuration screen is no longer editable and begins showing data.
Learn: This interface is the same as the config creation screen
Eff: The only button is end race
Vis: All info the user chose to include in the config is listed, but this isn't all the possible information for a race
Err: Since the user will only touch the screen to end the race, there shouldn't be errors
Screen 6: When the user is done with the race, he/she sees a summary of the race. Once a user is done, it returns to the main screen (large map with all races shown). If a user clicks on an old race, he/she sees this same summary screen.
learn: affordances for places you can view mroe information
vis: all data for the race visible on one screen
err: only editing feature here is changing the title, which is reversible.
Screen 7: When the user presses playback on the summary screen, he/she is shown this screen. It shows the editable race configuration screen, but with added playback controls so he/she can play/pause and scan forward/backward through the race data. He/she can also add/remove plots of data while the race is playing.
Learn: This is the same view as during the race
Eff: Same as other views with reversible actions. Comparing lots of data views involves adding/removing plots, which isn't efficient
Vis: All chosen state info is on the screen, you can add/remove other data if you want
Err: All actions are reversible.
Design 3:
This is the home screen of our tab-bar interface. This is where victoria can select a new race or to replay an old one.
Home Screen (#1):
L: simple interface with text dialog, and tab-bars at bottom (familiar UI element to iOS users)