Overall, this design stresses the simplicity and efficiency of the user experience. There is only one page to navigate, and there are clear buttons for all major tasks. It is easy for users to see everything they need to do, and quick to accomplish tasks, both for new and experienced users.
Analysis of Design 2
The overall idea of this design was to keep things as simple as possible. On the left, the user is given a chance to add buckets and tasks into buckets. And when a bucket is clicked on or a tasked is clicked on, The main window on the right will show certain information about the bucket or tasks. The information will include notes about the tasks, and the collaborators involved in each bucket and specifically the tasks.
The Top – Contains information about the website, user information and settings. Also contains the date for a reference point for the user to know when it is.
Left Pane – Contains a hierarchal format of tasks and buckets. It shows the titles of each and if it’s a group task or individual tasks. The user is also allowed to search for specific tasks/buckets in case the list gets too long. The user is also allowed to add, remove, and check off tasks quickly. This contains the important information that will be useful to the user for quick access
Right Pane – Contains more detailed information about the Buckets and Tasks. In the Case of the Bucket – IT will contain the bucket title and those involved in the bucket. It also will allow the user to send bucket subscription requests to other users and allow the bucket creator to unsubscribe users.
The idea of keeping things simple lead to the dynamic once page idea. To the user it will flow better if it seems the pages aren’t changing. Every click will keep the users information in focus allowing the user to easily add, remove, and modify tasks and buckets.
Again, with everything on one dynamic page and easily accessible, the user should be able to recover from errors a lot faster.
All in all, we would like to keep the main UI of our group task organizing web app as simple and straight to the point as possible. It will always keep what is important in view to the user at all times.