Pressing Nikola Otasevic hyperlink leads Nikola to his account page, where he can change his personal info. If Nikola changes his password, he will get a pop up that makes him confirm the change or cancel it. This way, we are making errors less probable.
As soon as they land on the page, users can learn about the web application's mission. They can also learn what the application allows them to do. Log in and Sign up hyperlinks are positioned in a standard top right corner which provides consistency with the rest of the web applications. On the main page, people who are new to MyWeb will see the hyperlink “add new folder” by which they immediately learn how to add new folders. Clicking a button “add new bookmark” also teaches them something definite about the web application. Similarly, if they click on the “My Friends” tab, they can learn about how to add new friends by clicking the appropriate affordance.
When Nikola decides to share his 6.006 bookmark, he simply types the email address of his friend into the Share textbox and the bookmark is sent so suggestion label of his friend account.
Because the interface is so simple, learnability should be pretty high. One thing unclear from just viewing the default labels and so on, is that user might not know what favorites or suggestions mean and represent. This could be solved by having a short introduction to the website when the user creates an account but we will leave it for further development later in the project. Everything else seem very simple, as long as user is aware of all of the possibilities. This will be particularly intuitive for safari users because our interface derived a lot from the safari view history option.
If Nikola clicks on favorites or any of the tags on the sides, it opens a new tab with all the bookmarks relevant to that category. Nikola decides to click on “Friends” to see everything his friends shared with him (which opens a new tab), and clicks on the STS.001 bookmark (which opens in a new browser tab). Finally, realizing that he has to review 6.006 material for 6.046, he searches for 6.006 in MyWeb and visits that bookmark.Analysis
Usability Evaluation:
We feel that this interface is generally pretty good in aspects of learnability. The interface on the left is somewhat similar to Gmail labels, which the user might have seen. Furthermore, the tabbed browsing also likely provides familiarity for many users. The bookmarks themselves provide affordances (being boxed) that indicate that it is clickable. Some bad aspects of learnability is that it might be difficult to discover how to add or remove labels to bookmarks.
This interface has both good and bad parts of efficiency. The search, for example, makes finding bookmarks very efficient. Adding a bookmark is also pretty efficient, as is switching between tabs. Adding tags to bookmarks, however, can be inefficient as you have to add tags individually to each bookmark.
Most of the screen real estate is devoted to showing the bookmarks, and pretty large images of it, so in that respect, visibility is good. Also, the most important labels and tabs are visible. Some bad aspects of visibility is that you can only view the contents of one tab at a time.
Error Correction:
The most important part of error correction in this design is the tabbed browsing. If you are unsure of what you are looking for, you can open a new tab, search for what you want, and if you don’t find it, you can go back to the tab you were looking at. Another aspect is feedback during search that gives suggestions as you type. One bad part about error correction is that it is relatively easy to click on a bookmark, so once you click, it opens a new tab/window in your browser, making you have to close that to return to what you were working on. Furthermore, it is easy to open an extra tab for a different label/different shared person.
Note: When Nikola makes an error, such as trying to delete a folder or a bookmark without selecting anything, a pop-up window appears saying “please select a file/folder to delete”. Similarly, and other illegal operations are handled with pop-up messages.
Usability Evaluation:
The interface is very easy to follow, since it’s very simple. The starting page quickly explains to the new user how to get going with the page with large input boxes for registration. Once in the user area, the hierarchy of folders,their content and the display page is very logical since it goes from left to right, from most general to least general. The interface is also quite easy to memorize since most things happen on a single page(with addition of a few pop-ups).
The visibility of the folders and their content is limited by the size of the two separations “Folders” and “Bookmarks”, but that was a trade off between efficiency and visibility, because the interface could have been designed to display the folders on the whole page which would allow it to show many more folders at one time than with the separations. However, when opening one of the folders it would lead you to another page with the bookmarks in it, and to view the bookmarks the user would have to go yet to another page and then have to come back by pressing a back button to get to where he started. However, having this separation allows the user to see several things at the same time, so it’s both good and bad for visibility.
There are some big problems with errors. For example, the user might accidentally delete a bookmark when he was actually trying to change its URL since the URL and Delete button are right next to each other. In addition it’s very easy to forget to select a folder before trying to add a bookmark to it, and that would result in adding a new folder instead of adding a bookmark to a folder as intended. Also since the add and remove buttons are placed right next to each other, the user might end up removing a folder when they actually intended to add a bookmark to it. The simplest way to deal with this kind of errors would be to display “are you sure?” messages but since those are quite annoying for the users and would take away quite a lot from user satisfaction, we have decided not to go that route for no. However, if during user testing the listed errors prove to be serious issues, we might end up deploying a lot of error prevention.
The efficiency is the strongest part of the UI since everything is happening in a single page, such as instantaneous search through both the bookmarks and all of the folders, selecting different folders and viewing their content, moving bookmarks from one folder to another, and even viewing some of the actual content of the bookmarks without having to load a new page of MyWeb. One bad aspect of efficiency is that you have to do three clicks to access a bookmark, and when doing that for your most common bookmarks, it could get very annoying.