Urahara Kisuke pops out of a bush.
Design #1
Home Page
Upon logging-in, users are brought to the home page, which displays a search bar, the current assignments for Midnights, a watch list, and a portfolio. The search bar is displayed at the top of the page along with the current date. The Midnight table is the first information widget and appears directly under the search bar. While the initial table of assigned midnights is determined by the Midnight Maker algorithm, it dynamically updates as trades are made. In addition, the midnights assigned to the authenticated user will be highlighted in color for readability. The watch list and portfolio tables both display quote information to the user. In the watch list, the user can add or delete Midnights in which he is interested in tracking. When adding a midnight, the user selects from two drop-down menus that indicate Midnight type and date. When deleting, the user ticks the check-box and hits the the delete button button. The portfolio indicates all active and completed trades made by the user, and thus cannot be edited.
In Ichigo's case, he would immediately see from Current Midnights that he has Pots on Thurday night as indicated by his Athena username, tttpeng.
User's can search for quotes for Midnight labor by using the search bar at the top of the page. For example, Ichigo would type "Pots" in the text field and hit enter (or click on the the Get Quotes button button). He would then be brought to a page which displays information on Pots.
Quotes Page
The header, including the search bar does not change in navigation. Since the user should be able to search for a quote from any page, it remains at the top throughout the user experience. The new components to this page include the left-side navigation and the main content. The left-side navigation links pertain specifically to the quote that was searched. Description displays the basic checklist for the work that is expected to be done for the Midnight. Quotes displays all price information on buying and selling of the particular Midnight. Finally, the summary page displays key statistics such as Highs and Lows. Although all content is displayed in the picture, the squiggly lines indicate that they are different and only appear when navigated to. The default page is the Quotes page.
Ichigo clicks on the date link in the Quotes table to invoke the Trade menu, which darkens the screen and displays a large JavaScript popup menu.
Trade Menu
The Trade Menu displays the price information for the selected Midnight. It will update as the market price changes so that the user has up-to-date knowledge on how the Midnight is trading while filling in the trade. The user selects the trade mode using a drop-down menu. If If market is is selected, the trade will execute at the highest bid price on the market. If If limit is is selected, the user will have the option of inputing the highest price he is willing to buy labor at. Pressing Pressing Place Order will will bring the user to a confirmation menu. Pressing Pressing Confirm will will place the order and display a confirmation. A user can change the order at the confirmation page by pressing pressing change. Once the confirmation page is displayed, the user can click outside of the menu or X-out to return to the Quotes page. Ichigo would follow the process outlined above to buy Midnight labor for Pots on Wednesday, by executing a Buy Limit at $20.50.
Jorge Daniels would follow a similar process to sell his labor or exploit arbitrage opportunities. When he logs-in, his assigned Midnights will be highlighted in color. After nagivating to the Quotes page, he will choose to execute a Sell Limit, instead of Buy Limit. Since Jorge is also interested in watching for potentially high ask prices, he populates his watch list with Pots for all days of the week. Rather than submitting 5 requests, Jorge simply leaves the Date field blank while indicating Pots for Labor type. His watch list now displays 5 rows for Pots - one for each day of the work week. If at a later date, the price for Pots labor on Wednesday falls, he can simply buy it back at a profit.
Design #2
Home Page
After log-in by MIT certificate, the user arrive at the home page. On the left-hand side is the ubiquitous navigation bar, where the user can perform several actions, that will either lead to other pages, or log-out. On the top is the ubiquitous recently-posted-trades widget, which displays the last several trades posted to the website (that is, requests for trades, and not completed trades). Finally, in the center of the screen is the content of the home page. There are two objects in the main panel: a table which displays the assigned midnights for the week, and below this, a chat room that any users can post to. Both of these objects will only appear on the main page: thus, the user will need to return here if he desires to see either of them.