| Storyboard | Visibility | Learnability | Efficiency | Errors |
| This interface is where Mary would approve trips for Phyllis and her other direct reports. On the top she will see her managed budget and her current balance. | Mary can see the budget and current balance. | Common way of listing document. | Mary can approve or reject trips immediately and by selecting several trips. | Mary cannot undo an error after she makes it. Is necessary to add this feature because if she makes a mistake and approve the wrong trip she cannot undo it. |
| The detail screen will show the name of the trip, the starting and ending date of the trip, the travelers name, the map of the route and a cost breakdown. | Mary can see the name of the traveler and the dates of the trip. She can see a map of the route and the breakdown of costs. | N/A | It is just one page with all the information needed so it is fast to read. | N/A |
Analyze Trip
| Storyboard | Visibility | Learnability | Efficiency | Errors |