Task: Search
When Miak first enters the site, he sees a bunch of tags like “HASS-D 4” and “NO FINAL” scattered around the screen. There is a marked area at the center of the screen where he can drag and drop tags with the search criteria he wants. Ben selects “HASS-D 2”, “HASS-D 4”, “HASS-D 5”, “CI-H”, and “FITS MY SCHEDULE”
When Miak drags the “FITS MY SCHEDULE” tag to the center of the screen, a pop-up window labeled “My Schedule” appears with a grid divided into hour-long slots for each day of the week. Miak clicks on the slots for which he already has a prior commitment, marking them with an “X”. When he makes a mistake, he simply clicks on a slot again and the X disappears.
When he has finished, he clicks “OK” and the window vanishes. He’s satisfied with his selected criteria, so he clicks a button at the bottom of the page to begin his search.
Miak sees that his good friend Alyssa P. Hacker is taking Rhetoric, which is also a category 2 HASS. He decides that he would rather take Rhetoric with Alyssa than take Bioethics by himself, so he drags “21W.747 Rhetoric” from Alyssa’s list into his “I plan on taking” bucket. He drags Bioethics out of the bucket and it disappears with a puff of smoke.
Task: Sync/Save
Finally, Miak uses the menu to navigate to the “Export Schedule” section of the site. It displays the classes that he plans on taking (21W.747 Rhetoric) and three options: Email these classes to me, Print my Schedule, or Sync with Gmail. Miak clicks “Email” and the name of the class, along with its description and a link to its Stellar site, is sent to his MIT email address.
If Miak returns to the site, it will recognize his MIT certificate, and his list of friends and class choices will be saved for him.