There may be some issues with the ordering of the different tabs in the global navbar for optimal navigation. Some tabs could be removed (such as "Contact"). Two forms of navigation for the virtual house tour may also be a little confusing.
Design 2
This design is a simplistic straightforward web page. It will rely on the user to click on and try different buttons. It presents a very forgiving check system that does not penalize the user for making mistakes. This design option decreases the efficiency of the site slightly.
Scenario 1:
Michael Minor has been to SkullWeb many times throughout his three years at MIT and knows how to achieve maximum efficiency on it. So he pulls up his bookmarked pages and clicks on the first and most important one "SkullWeb". He then sees the home page described above. Without reading a thing he mouses over to the "Actives Access" button and clicks. He is taken to an intermediate sign in page. Once he is signed in he scans the actives main page: