| Storyboard This interface is where Mary would approve trips for Phyllis and her other direct reports. On the top she will see her managed budget and her current balance.
Below is a queue of all trips that her direct reports have submitted for her approval, including dates, name of trips and total dollar amount of each trip. She can immediately approve or reject a trip with the buttons on the right of each trip. She can also select several trips with the checkboxes on the left and approve or reject selected trips with the buttons in the bottom.
Pressing on the name of a trip will give Mary detail information about that trip. | Visibility | Learnability | Efficiency | Errors |
| The detail screen will show the name of the trip, the starting and ending date of the trip, the travelers name, the map of the route and a cost breakdown.
She will be able to see each section of the trip with its date, locations and cost. At the end she will see the total cost and will have the choice of going back, approve or reject the trip.
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