Jorge logs back in every day that week to check the current price of Thursday Pots on his Watch List. On Wednesday, he sees the price has gone down below the price he originally sold it for, and goes to buy Thursday Pots labor.
Design #1
Upon logging-in, users are brought to the home page, which displays a search bar, the current assignments for Midnights, a watch list, and a portfolio. In Ichigo's case, he would immediately see from Current Midnights that he has Pots on Thurday night as indicated by his Athena username, tttpeng. The search bar is displayed at the top of the page along with the current date. The Midnight table is the first information widget and appears directly under the search bar. While the initial table of assigned midnights is determined by the Midnight Maker algorithm, it dynamically updates as trades are made. In addition, the midnights assigned to the authenticated user will be highlighted in color for readability. The watch list and portfolio tables both display quote information to the user. In the watch list, the user can add or delete Midnights in which he is interested in tracking. When adding a midnight, the user selects from two drop-down menus that indicate Midnight type and date. When deleting, the user ticks the check-box and hits the delete button. The portfolio indicates all active and completed trades made by the user, and thus cannot be edited.
User's can search for quotes for Midnight labor by using the search bar at the top of the page. For example, Ichigo would type "Pots" in the text field and hit enter (or click on the Get Quotes button). He would then be brought to a page which displays information on Pots.blahblah
Design #2
Design #3