Monday morning, Ben goes through the late submissions, from students who were granted deadlines. He prints them out, grades them quickly, and enters the new grades on the site.
Design 1
The user logs in with his or her MIT certificate. Since all of our users are MIT affiliates and use MIT certificates to access WebSIS, they are all guaranteed to have them installed. After they've logged in, they are encouraged to fill out their profile so that the graders have an easier time classifying problem sets. Course administrators are promoted from ordinary users by existing course administrators.
Ben, the TA, can access a summary of all problem sets for a particular user (their grades) or for himself (grading statistics). Ben can also add a new assignment, specifying the title, due date, the assignment file, and any test cases that would auto-grade the students' submissions. Ben also has the option to publish this assignment to the students and release grades after they've been completed.
Alyssa is a student, and she can view assignments and submit her solutions.