- Learnability
- Familiar icons (sharing, adding, # of likes, # of comments, editable) allow for affordances for understanding the meaning of iconsThe Pulse-like horizontal navigation panes provide a natural mapping to a rolodex.
- Having both a clickable item image and clickable hover icons in the same space does not allow affordances for clicking the space around the hover icons to bring up item information page.
- Visibility
- Efficiency
- The rolodex at the top of the view page provides the similar visible navigation state to tabs but with greater information scent through the use of images to describe the wishdexes.
- Efficiency
- Viewing a large number of interesting wishdexes while exploring will require multiple clicks through the rolodexes, which may be less efficient than scrolling.
- Further item information is only available by clicking on an item and reaching a different page, which may be less efficient than the hover-boxes used in the other design.
- Popup boxes for adding items provides fast return to the managing page by clicking anywhere off of the box in the window.
- Error Prevention
- Accidental navigation through the rolodex at the top of the view page can be easily corrected through highly visible forward and back buttons on the rolodex.
The "Finder" design resembles the Finder in MacOS by showing two panes at a time, out of three types of panes. The pane on the right is always more specific than the pane on the left, and there will be animations to indicate the switching of panes.