Miak has previously taken several HASSes including Advanced Fiction Workshop, and Intro to Acting. He is currently anticipating 4 classes in course 6, and needs his HASS classes to fit into his already established schedule. He would like to take multiple HASS classes if there are more than one that interests him, but he needs at least one class that fulfills his requirements. To help him figure out which classes to take, he decides to try a helpful HASS picker tool called “I can has HASS”.
When he first enters the site, he is delighted to find an option to input his previous HASS classes. He does this and the site provides him with a visualization of his current progress through his HASS requirements. He sees that he already has a HASS-D in Categories 1 and 3, a CI-H, and 5 HASS-Elective credits. Based on this information, Miak decides to search for HASSes in 2, 4, and 5 which are CI-H. He does not particularly care whether his HASS class has a final or anything like that. However, he definitely wants the class to be interesting.
Miak begins by running a search with the following options: HASS-D category 2, 4, or 5; CI-H yes; open-times: MWF 9-11, MW 12-2, TR 12-1, MTWR 3-5. The application provides him with all the classes fitting this description.