Dragos also comes to the website (Figure 2_1) and clicks on the “MIT Student” button, and is logged in to his home page using his MIT certificates (Figure 2.a._5). He clicks on the “Browse Posts” button, and hovers over Ben’s posting (Figure 2_6). In the description displayed, he clicks on “Follow”.
To view his newly-created post, Ben can sign in to the website using his username and password (Figure 2_1), and click on the “My Posts” button on his home screen (Figure 2_2.b), which takes him to the page where he can view his posts (3.a). On his . This page is the same as that in figure 2_6, but on this version of the page, he has the same icons, but now instead of the “Follow” and “Send Message” links on the post description, he has an “Edit” link to open the post for editing (using the same form as (5Figure 2_4) but with a different breadcrumb (i.e. Home>>Edit Post) and , as well as a “Send Message to Followers” link, which opens the create message page (4.a-2). He changes the deadline for this job to a week later.
When Dragos logs in the next time, on his home screen (2.a), the “Post Updates” button is highlighted as he has an unviewed post update. Clicking on this button, opens a page similar to the messages page, with an update that the deadline for Ben’s post has been updated.