The upside to the visibility of this design is that the route of the trip is always visible because that map is always displayed no matter what task the user is working on. For example, if a user adds a location to the trip that change is immediately visible to the user. However there are some drawbacks to this approach. First, most of the state of the trip is not visible to the user unless the user clicks on a location. Second, once the user clicks on a location, that information is displayed in a pop-up bubble which has limitations on its size which limits visibility. The bubbles will be tabbed in order to fit the information comfortably in the bubble. Also, if the user has many bubbles open at a time, the interface may start to feel cluttered.
This design is very Some aspects of the design are efficient. As mentioned earlier, from start to finish the user never has to navigate to different pages. Everything task the user might wish to perform can be done on the map from choosing locations to messaging possible hosts. The one . However, the design lacks efficiency due to somewhat poor visibility. Another aspect that may be inefficient is the way that directions are displayed. Due to the design goals of this interface, the directions are viewed one leg at a time. That is, the user views directions from point X to point Y from within that location's bubble. It might be more efficient to display all the directions for the entire trip to the user but would require a modification to design that would sacrifice the learnability/visibility that is intended for this design.
Like the other designs, error prevention is dealt with by having suggestions for completing user defined fields and will check that what is input by the user makes sense. The user will be stopped from adding locations and a timeline that are inconsistent. Every action that user can make on the interface will have the option of being undone (except for the sending of messages).