Versions Compared


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At around the same time frame, Sally’s friend, Megan, decides to procrastinate on her homework and revisits after a month hiatus. She logs into Wishdex and updates her own Wishdexes because she has purchased some of the items in the past month on her Wishdex. She hasn’t shopped online in a while, and wants to see what other people on Wishdex are wishing for. On the home page of Wishdex, she sees the top wishdex of the week, checks it out, and adds an item from it to one of her own Wishdexes called “Shoes.” She browses through some random peoples’ Wishdexes from the list of Featured Wishdex. She also wants to see what her Facebook friends have on Wishdex, so she looks at some recent activity and sees Sally has been adding to her “Birthday Wishlist.” Megan sees a pair of shoes that she really likes on Sally’s Wishdex, and decides to “Like” the item and leave a comment “I saw these on sale on” Megan knows that Sally’s birthday is coming up, but the items on her Wishdex are too expensive. She saw that two of the items were marked as “claimed,” and decided to buy a small accessory that she saw on another Wishdex that would go with the two items for Sally’s birthday.


We divided our storyboard designs into three sections corresponding to our task analysis: managing, viewing, and exploring. For each section, we show three possible designs which we have loosely named "Hipmunk" (use of tabs), "Pulse" (use of scrollable navigation bars), and "Finder" (use of panes). We divided our storyboard designs into three sections corresponding to our task analysis:

  1. managing, which involves Sally's actions in the first paragraph of the scenario above
  2. viewing, which involves Anne's and Megan's visits to Sally's Wishdex to find out what they should buy for her birthday
  3. exploring, which involves Megan's investigation of featured/popular wishdexes and recent activity in the last paragraph of the scenario

Descriptions of interactions with specific parts of the design storyboard designs are shown within the imageimages.


Managing involves Sally's actions in the first paragraph of the scenario above

  • Learnability
  • Visibility
    • Editable boxes for item information only appear upon hovering over the item images, making this ability less visible.
  • Efficiency
  • Error Prevention




Viewing involves Anne's and Megan's visits to Sally's Wishdex to find out what they should buy for her birthday .




