Persona 3.
Newb is 40 year old farmer who has been using the Internet for the past 6 months. He noticed that the count of websites that he uses on a regular basis has been increasing rapidly. Thus he is looking for a way to organize his websites in order to remember them all and if necessary search through them. He starts using the regular bookmark tool but he tends to forget which bookmark corresponds to which website thus he needs a visual representation(maybe a thumbnail) of the bookmark that would let him see some of the content of the website before accessing it. Also, since the bookmark tool on the browsers shows only a small button for each website, it is hard for him to aim for those buttons (new computer users are not proficient with the mouse).
Task analysis
Create Account on MyWeb:
- frequency of task: on average only once, but could vary up to 5 in extreme cases
- preconditions: knowing the url for the web app, having an email account
- sign up:
- provide a unique identifier (email) and password
- confirm the email addressaddress
Change my password:
- frequency of task: on average once a month, but could vary between a day and 5 years
- precondition: logged in
- change password:
- provide the old password
- enter a new one and confirm it
Get Access to MyWeb:
- frequency of task: daily access is the average
- precondition: know the url for the web app, remember email and/or password
- log in:
- provide email and password
- provide only email, go to email, and click the link for reset password
- frequency of task: daily access is the average
- precondition: logged in
- view my favorite websites from any Internet access point:
- decide on the website that I want to visit
- search for the website
- navigate to the website
- add a new website to MyWeb **
- provide the website url (through a text box or a plug-in)
- edit a website in MyWeb:
- change the title
- customize the view
- change sharing settings
- delete
- organize my websites **
- make a category
- make a certain website belong to a category (like the labels in Gmail)
- view the current content of my favorite websites (via visual representation)
- see common/most popular websites