User analysis
Task analysis
Task 1: Registration
Goal: Register on the website
- Subtask: Navigate to Registration page
- Subtask: Fill in basic personal information
- Precondition: Registration page has loaded
- Precondition: Have a valid email address
- Subtask: Fill in information for public profile
- Subtask: Submit registration
- Precondition: Filled out required fields for personal information and public profile
Task 2: Create Game
Goal: Suggest a game for others to join and play
- Subtask: Navigate to “Create Game” page
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Enter game information
- Precondition: Have in mind the information needed to create a game (location, time, etc)
- Subtask: Submit game
- Precondition: Filled out necessary details needed to create the game
Task 3: Join Game
Goal: Join a game of interest
- Subtask: Browse and decide on a game to join
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Click Join button for the game
- Precondition: Logged in
Task 4: Leave Game
Goal: Leave a game because of other commitments or because the game is no longer of interest
- Subtask: Decide on a game to leave
- Subtask: Click on leave game button
- Precondition: Logged in
- Precondition: Previously joined the game
Task 5: Edit Game
Goal: Change the details for a game
- Subtask: Navigate to game page
- Subtask: Navigate to edit game page
- Precondition: Logged in and is organizer for the game
- Subtask: Change game details
- Precondition: Have new game details in mind
- Subtask: Submit changes
Task 6: Edit Public Profile
Goal: Change information on public profile
- Subtask: Navigate to edit profile page
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Fill in updated information
- Subtask: Submit changes
Task 7: Add Buddies
Goal: Add buddies to buddy list
- Subtask: Navigate to buddy’s profile
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Click Add Buddy button
Task 8: Remove Buddies
Goal: Remove buddies to buddy list
- Subtask: Navigate to own buddy list
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Click Remove Buddy button
- Precondition: Know which buddy to remove
Task 9: Search/Filter for Game
Goal: Find a specific game easily
- Subtask: Search for game (optional)
- Precondition: Know some information about the game, eg. name, location, etc
- Subtask: Filer results
- Precondition: Desire a specific type of results, eg. games happening during a specific time
Domain analysis