- Search for a ride share.
- GOAL: Find an already-advertised ride share with a destination and time within certain boundaries.
- PRECONDITIONS: User must be logged in with MIT certificate and have an outing and time frame n mind.
- enter keywords for destination (or choose from drop down list)
- enter date and time range (optional)
- Post a ride share.
- GOAL: Inform other users of interest in sharing a ride for a specific outing at a specific time. Other users can find the advertised ride share by search.
- PRECONDITIONS: User must be logged in with MIT certificate.
- enter starting location and destination (e.g. from MIT to Logan airport)
- enter specific time, possible time range, or leave unspecified
- enter mode of transportation (taxi, Zipcar)
- enter expected cost for passengers
- remove ride share posting if desired
- Communicate with Other Users
- GOAL: Set up ride shares, exchange contact information, etc.
- PRECONDITIONS: User must be logged in with MIT certificate and find the ride share that meets his needs.