- Photographer:
- Primary intent is to
- advertise his work
- check other photographer’s work
- Expectations
- Checking latest reviews should be easy and quick.
- Creating and updating profile should be easily learnable.
- Professional looking website, appropriate for work environment
- Characteristics
- Might be professional or amateur.
- Varying domain experience (portraits vs. wedding pictures)
- Varying ages and gender.
- English speaking.
- Basic (shopping) numeracy.
- High school level literacy.
- Website does not currently accommodate physical disabilities.
- Familiar with popular web interfaces (facebook, twitter, yelp). Therefore can understand affordances of buttons, links, and concept of a profile and review.
- Primary intent is to
- Photography Client
- Primary intent is to:
- Find one or more photographers suited to client's event type and budget.
- Could range from very specific requirements, to people who don’t know what they are looking for and just want a photographer.
- Multiple people planning the same event could be searching the list at the same time.
- Expectations
- Easy filtering of price, location, event type for photographer searches.
- Efficient viewing and comparing of photographers (sample pictures, reviews)
- Easily learnable website, with appropriate affordances for search and advanced search.
- Characteristics
- Varying ages and gender.
- English speaking.
- Basic (shopping) numeracy.
- High school level literacy.
- Not accommodating physical disabilities.
- Familiar with popular interfaces (facebook, twitter, yelp)
- Primary intent is to: