Model.pdfGR1 - Task analysis
User analysis
- Sign up (only for non-MIT users e.g recruiters, start up founders etc).** Preconditions: none. Frequency: once.** Subtasks:*** Enter name** Enter role (recruiter, start up founder etc)
- Specify e-mail address
- Specify other contact details.
- Create Job Position:** Preconditon: Sign in** Subtasks:*** Specify the position.** Specify the job group.
- Specify the required competences.
- Specify the location.
- Specify instructions to apply (e.g. provide company website “Apply Online” link, careerbridge company posting link etc.)
- Specify a deadline
- Specify any other details.
- Browse job postings** Precondition: Have MIT certificate** Subtasks: Select department, job-group and job type
- Follow job posting** Precondition: have MIT certificate** Subtasks: * ** Browse job postings** select that you want to follow a given posting
- Send question to Job offerer (Company recruiter, Professor, etc).** Precondition: Have MIT certificate
- Edit job position:** Precondition: Sign in, be creator of the post you want to edit** Subtasks (all optional):*** Change the location.** Change the required competences.
- Change the deadline
- Delete job posting** Preconditions: Sign in, be creator of the post you want to delete