- Student: MIT student, general experience with Internet sites, most of them have used Facebook#* Age: 17~24
- Gender: any
- Culture: college students, specifically, MIT students
- Language: English
- Education: college
- Physical limitation: not considered in this design
- Computer experience: vast
- Motivation: motivated, as the student registered for the course
- Attitude: mixed; some students are really excited about the class, most just want to get the homework over with
- Domain experience: ~12 years of experience writing and submitting homework, >=1 year of experiencing using online homework submission system
- Application experience: generally familiar with web applications and the concept of uploading files, many have not used online submission systems
- Work environment and other social contexts: college environment
- Relationships and communication patterns: college environment, mostly communicate digitally
- Teaching Assistant: MIT grad student, OK to have a training session, learnability somewhat less important than efficiency (Optionally separate TAs and graders)#* Age: 21+ for TAs (19+ for graders)
- Gender: any
- Culture: graduate students, specifically, MIT graduates
- Language: English
- Education: college graduates for TAs (undergrads or graduates for graders)
- Physical limitation: not considered in this design
- Computer experience: moderate
- Motivation: motivated, as the site promises to make the TA job easier
- Attitude: generally positive, as an instructor who wants to TA for the course
- Domain Experience: vast experience submitting homework, many have not TAed before
- Application Experience: generally familiar with web applications, may not have used an online submission system
- Work environment and other social contexts: college environment
- Relationships and communication patterns: college environment, mostly communicate digitally
- Administrators: Professors/lecturers of the class and head-TAs (this will not be the focus for our design)