- Account Creation
- Goal: Create and configure an account to get access to the user-specific features of the website
- Precondition: have email address, the course number of the class to join, (optionally MIT email / MIT ID number)
- Subtasks:
- Fill basic information form, including email address, password, (optionally MIT email / MIT ID number)
- Validate the account by clicking on a link in an email
- Register for the class or be marked as an instructor by an administrator
- Optionally provide details for the public profile (nickname...)
- Frequency of use: first time of use
- Exceptions: enter wrong email address, wrong class number, wrong name
- Submitting homework, answering surveys (how many hours, etc.), and checking your grades
- Goal: Have your problem set be evaluated by the TAs
- Precondition:
- The user must have an account
- Homework should have been assigned by an instructor
- Subtasks:
- Upload your problem set as a PDF file
- Optionally answer a survey
- Check your problem set and quiz grades
- Frequency of use: weekly
- Exceptions: submit the homework not on time, wrong format of documents, forgot to attach documents before submitting.
- Creating/Editing problem sets
- Goal: Defining the files that students must upload for a problem set, and the grading structure.
- Precondition:
- The user must have registered as a TA
- A designed problem set.
- Subtasks:
- Creating a new problem set or editing an old one
- Defining files to be submitted for the problem set
- Defining what gets graded and the grading scale
- Marking the problem set available for submission and set a deadline
- Optionally: decide late policy, enable extension
- Frequency of use: weekly
- Exceptions: creating a wrong pset
- Grading problem sets
- Goal: Having a grade for each of the students’ submissions
- Precondition:
- The instructor needs to have a problem set prepared
- Students must have submitted solutions
- Subtasks:
- Printing out student solutions for grading
- Grading
- Inputting the problem set grades for distribution to the students
- Frequency of use: weekly
- Exceptions: entering a wrong grade, missing grades
Domain analysis