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Intended Audience


What Is MUMMS?

All MUMMS users

A brief overview of MUMMS concepts

Typical User Registration and Approval Process

All MUMMS users

How user registration and approval works in a fairly typical new user scenario

Services and Service Levels

All MUMMS users

The service levels that exist in MUMMS and the MTL services that are associated with them.

Approving Charges for a New User

Supervisors of users and their administrators

How to approve or deny charges for a user

Managing Allocations 

Supervisors of users and their administrators

How to manage charge allocations for existing users and computers

Replacing a Cost Object

Supervisors of users and their administrator; Lab staff

How to replace a cost object with another cost object for multiple users and computers across multiple charge categories.

Viewing Cost Recovery Reports

Supervisors of users and their administrator; Lab staff

Viewing reports of charges for a billing period within the MTL Cost Recovery application.

Notes about MUMMS Allocations

Supervisors of users and their administrator; Lab staff

Some useful information about what "allocations" really means within MUMMS

MUMMS MTL Staff Documentation

Lab staff

Documentation for staff
