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stargrid01:~$globus-url-copy file:///star/data13/Magellan/source gsiftp://pdsfdtn1.nersc.gov/project/projectdirs/star/target |
Q: what is the path to /star/data13/ visible to globus?
Code Block |
The path is via any of 3 machines: stargrid02, stargrid03, stargrid04.
I think stargrid04 is the one to use. Therefor you will need to define
that endpoint. I just made my definition public, so you should be able to
see porter#star4 as an endpoint. You will need to activate it
- BUT here is the next step. NERSC recognizes your cert, stargrid04 doesn't.
For star to recognize it, you need to make a
*** web request with that CERT ***.
To make a web request you need to load it into your browser.
Ok, It's a pain but at least it's a one-time operation. I'll show you the steps.
1) on a stargrid node, do the 'myproxy-logon -s nerscca.nersc.gov'
2) copy the proxy file, /tmp/x509up_whateveritisforyou, to your laptop.
3) change it to pk12 format:
openssl pkcs12 -in yourcopiedoverfile -export -out jans-nersc.p12
It will ask for a password to encrypt it.
4) import into your browser. I'll assume firefox:
preferences->Advanced->Encryption->View Certificates Then click 'import'.
It will ask for the password of the file (it may first ask for your password if yuo've locked the browser)
5) Once that's installed (it will be in the list in the preferences panel) go to:
It should see your cert (displayed on the webpage). From the page, request to be a member of the STAR VO. You'll need to reply to an automatic email, but then Jerome will be notified.
bbbbsth else