- about the calibration sources
- ACIS --– Fe55 with Al&Ti (Fe-L), uniform illumination, getting pretty wimpy, only sampled twice per orbit
- XIS --– Fe55 with no targets, no Fe-L, only in corners, getting wimpy, continuously sampled (except SAA)
- measure Fe55 half-life extremely well
- Measuring CTI, ACIS vs XIS (methodology)
- ACIS – fit all grades, fit only center pixel pulseheight vs ccdy/ccdx (binning/fitting details tooneeded)
- XIS , – fit only good grades, summed pulseheight from top cal source corners
- (should we process ACIS the same way as XIS for comparison? only use center pixels?)
- only use Mn K alpha
- include
checker-flag CTI measurement for XIS, SCI-off (Ozawa 2009)