- CTI evolution (energy scale, FWHM)
- effects of different radiation environments
- effects of SCI
- calibration sources from corners (Mn K alpha, akin to LaMarr 2008)
- compare ACIS and XIS
- calibration sources (all energies?) across FOV
- ACIS only
- celestial calibration sources (1 keV, 6 keV) across FOV
- Cygnus Loop, Perseus, E0102, N132D, other clusters
- separate CTI from electronics gain
- verify gain change negligible
- checker-flag CI (Ozawa 2009)
- Cygnus Loop/Perseus at different roll angles (XIS)
- (are we interested in electronics performance?)
- CTI of FI vs. BI
- soft proton damage
- effects of BG sac charge (Grant 2005 SPIE, LaMarr 2008 SPIE)
- about the instruments
- first describe each separately (label CCDIDs)
- then similarities/differences between ACIS/XIS that impact CTI (just the instruments and operation, no environment yet) in a table and summarize in text
- initial pre-launch CTI, ACIS BI > XIS BI, XIS FI > ACIS FI
- Transfer speeds, fast transfer (image-to-framestore) serial transfer not the same
- Frame time, 3.2s vs 8s
- Focal plane temperature, -90C vs -120C
- relate CTI/FWHM increase to measures of particle fluence, type
- maybe beyond scope of this paper)
- comparison of a celestial source
- E0102
- has been observed extensively over time with ACIS and XIS
- low energy lines very different from Mn K alpha
- mostly on ACIS-S3
- Perseus, other clusters
- check ACIS time coverage
- Fe line centroid changes with kT, location in cluster
- E0102