- Papers
- GoodReader
- Kindle
- Reeder
- Wolfram Alpha
- Worldcat Mobile
- ACS Mobile
- Awesome Note
- Docs to Go
- MIT Mobile
- TechTV (web)
- Naxos
- Pandora
- TuneIn Radio
Draft outline:
Intro and welcome: NHMention the Libguide: http://libguides.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/apps
Mention the further resources on that page.
Mention the breakout sessions.
Be more productive, manage files & passwords
- Awesome Note - RG
- Penultimate - NH
- Evernote - NH
- Dragon Dictation - NH
- JotNot Scanner - NH
- Pro & Prizmo - NH
Write at length
Give and view presentations, attend webinars
- Keynote & Keynote Remote - NH
- SyncPad Keynote Remote - NH
- WebEx - NH
- Adobe Connect - NH
- SyncPad - NH
- MIT iPhone app - RG
- MIT mobile web Mobile - RG
- TechTV (mobile web) - RG