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You can use prjquota to check the quotas on NFG (/project) like this: pdsf4 88% prjquota star ------ Space (GB) ------- ----------- Inode ----------- Project Usage Quota InDoubt Usage Quota InDoubt -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- star 1011 1536 1 842365 1000000 1075 pdsf4 89% So STAR has a quota of 1.5TB now. |
Alternatives to scp
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STAR users have access to /project/projectdirs/star and this area
is visible from all NERSC systems (both carver and PDSF and the data
transfer nodes). Best way to transfer data from BNL to the project area
would be through the data transfer nodes:
but there are lots of options. |