Option 2: Use your own Barnes & Noble account
You may set up a free account for yourself on Barnes & Noble and register this Nook to your account. (or use your existing Barnes & Noble account) This will allow you to test the shopping features, and download your own free or paid ebooks. Start here:http://www.barnesandnoble.com/nookcolor/gettingstarted/index.asp?cds2Pid=35607
You can register from the Nook directly. Follow the on-screen instructions after viewing the welcome video.
9. Install the Nook software on your PC, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or Android mobile device. Download the free Nook apps here:http://www.barnesandnoble.com/u/free-nook-apps/379002321/
Start reading a book on the Nook, then switch to your computer or mobile device and try picking up where you left off.
10. Some books have the ability to be lent. Look in the store for books that have a "lendme" banner on the cover image. If you purchase one of those, you may email another person who has a Barnes & Noble account and give them the ability to read the book using their Nook account for 14 days. After that it's automatically back on your account. Try this if you wish. Only one book may be lent at a time (restrictive, but at least they are experimenting!)
Plug in the device to an outlet to recharge when it's getting low. Alternatively, you may remove the outlet plug from the cord and it becomes a USB cable, which you can plug in to your computer for charging.