2. Fix memory leaks: add the following two lines:
in In the procedure $XIDL_DIR/SPEC/ARCS/x_fndpeaks.pro, line 100 :
insert the following (in black; original code in gray):
autofit = x_calcfit(xdat, FITSTR=fitstr)
if ptr_valid(fitstr.ffit) EQ 1 then ptr_free, fitstr.ffitin
endif else begin
In the procedure $XIDL_DIR/FIT/x_fit.pro, line 211 insert the following (in black; original code in gray):
if not keyword_set( NONRM ) then fitstr.nrm = nrm
if ptr_valid(fitstr.ffit) EQ 1 then ptr_free, fitstr.ffit
fitstr.ffit = ptr_new(ffit)
3. Add FIRE as an instrument option:
in the file In the procedure $XIDL_DIR/SPEC/LONGSLIT/PRO/BIAS/long_rdnoiseimg.pro, add at line 100: