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  1. Status of papers from run 9
    1. W AL
    2. W x-section
      1. paper draft
      2. embedding
  2. Preparation to run 11, pp500
    1. Goals 
      1. acquire LT=100/pb w/ P=50% to tape (is ~20% higher than in BUR, lets balance pressure from IP3)  
      2. plot J-peak charge separated 1 month after W-trigger established
      3. determine AL for W+,-  in the Barrel and Endcap 
      4. publish only AL for Ws , not necessary in PRL
      5. do not yield to the pressure of upcoming conferences, rather do the job once and do it right at the first time.
    2. timing in of calos & spin bits 
    3. L0 trigger
    4. L2 tagger 
    5. online monitoring
    6. human run QA concurrent with data taking
      1. revise key words describing problems
      2. generate automatic run list (the big CSV table)
      3. assign names & weeks for human QA, define stick and carrot
    7. preparation to daq files production :  ###  A='dirty' , B='preliminary', C='final'  (w/ support from Jerome) ###  time line:  A='near real time', B='end of May' , C='December 2011'
      1. availability of TPC calibrations : A='2mm', B='as good as in run 9', C='final'
      2. availability of EMC calibrations: a) E+B towers, b) ESMD, c) anything else
      3. availability of computing resources:  Magellan/Cloud for A,B, RCF for C
      4. availability of disks for muDst :  ~50% on our institutional disks, 50% on RCF, may need to 'see' only half of muDst at given time, the rest on HPSS
      5. availability of manpower to harness the cloud:  Matt,Jan, Iwona(10%), Justin, Jerome is helping a lot
    8. do we need changes/upgrades to the BFC to better utilize Endcap info for tracking? 
    9. Low priority issues (work on those after all the above is in a good shape)
      1. ZB events & embedding
      2. Z-> ee x-section
      3. vernier scan


  1. TPC, Gene:
    • non-linear SC(lumi) should provide TPC track accuracy of 2 mm at both ends of the track. We hope Joe will work on this next week, should take a week.
    • We could also use Gene's PCA method of finding a linear combination of scalers (each at first order).
    • since linear SC(lumi) was tuned to lumi equivalent to ZDC base rate of 70kHz, any pp500 run taken at the ZDC rate has current best TPC calibration. Jan: I'll use it for beam line constrain study, see below.
    • Wiki Markup
      *beam line constrain* : plan A is Rosi & Jan succeed with 3D beam line fit to global tracks w/o intermediate vertex finding. Here are \[[Media:Beamline-v3.pdf |details of the algo]\] as intended and not implemented. If this works Gene needs a \~day to produce beam line constrain for all 39 fills.  Plane B is to use Minuit vertex finder which may require significant stats to overcome jitter due to pileup tracks. In such case we would need to provide manpower for \~week long job, Gene would only supervise it. Jan: lets go for plan A.
    • conclusion: once both items are resolved we can ask for production, perhaps 2 weeks from now.
  2. BTOW, ETOW gains - no progress.
  3. Wiki Markup
    BSMD : Willie is working '''slopes for individual strips'''. He run over 10k VPD-minB events and got  this \[[Media:BSMD-strips-Picture 16.png|2D plot of module 119]\] and spectra \[[Media:BSMD-strips-Picture 15.png |individual strips]\]. The  available 1.5M vpd-minB events should be  enough to  fit every strip. If not we will merge strips.
  4. Wiki Markup
    BSMD geometry: Scott asked how well we know '''relative position of BSMD vs. TPC'''. It is [followed up on emc2-hn |]. <p> Scott once did \[[Media:Conversions-distace-Scott.pdf &#124; simple calculation for photons that convert to e+/e&#45; pairs&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;&#124;\||]\] in the SVT, attached. <br>The relevant equation is on the bottom left.  For the W -> e, we have r_1 = 0, r_2 = 2.3 m (approximate radius of BSMD planes), and B = 0.5 T.  With these numbers, you get the simple relation<br>  dPhi (cm) = 40 / pT (GeV)<br>For example, an electron of 40 GeV pT will deflect in the phi direction by 1 cm relative to the same e- of infinite pT.  This is probably good to better than a few %.
  5. run QA : Scott is working on his fills.
