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What is the going on in the future of DLF? (new members on p.6 of Rachel's presentation, p. 11 describes DLF's role compared to other conferences)

Continue to focus on the technological aspects of developing, sustaining, and federating digital libraries. DLF will promote standards, protocols, and best practices; it will evaluate and promulgate digital library projects and programs, and support digital architectures that most effectively allow for interoperable and extensible digital resources and tools.


Articulate qualities and characteristics of leadership in the coming decade, requisite for the changes and transformations ongoing.

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General Session Keynote highlighted promising projects:

Promising Projects
•WEST (distributed print journal repositories)
•Digital - see attached word doc
Digital Public Library of America
•CRL (Harvard Robert Darnton)
CRL print archives coordination
•HathiTrust HathiTrust
•OAPEN (EU academic publishing)
•CDL; Cal State


Timeboxing of efforts within a 6-week development cycle helps keep us from getting bogged down in large implementations that go on for months and months and keep team from working on other projects. Instead, focus on the outset on a simplified set of work that can be accomplished in 1 cycle and then re-evaluate institutional priorities at the end of that cycle. This reduces feeling of black box stall on any given project.

 Users hate seeing nothing. Using these methods, more people have seen some results faster. Incremental improvements that happen regularly produce much more positive feedback and energy both within the development team and out to our customers in the library.

Adapt to changing priorities. For example, move our EZProxy Administrator tool to the top of the list as needed for Shibboleth integration. We would not have been able to do this without causing problems if we had been already committed to months of development and a huge feature list for ReservesDirect, our course reserves system. Constant re-evaluation also always priorities within a project to change – since we haven’t committed beyond the current cycle this is easy to accommodate.


Laura at Emory Library:

  • Not have a set plan at the outset
  • Testing in smaller chunks
  • Not having to shield the developers from the stakeholders

p12/27 of pdf - "data dictionary" great idea - we should have that in DSpace/Dome Operations


Greenhopper & JIRA
Google docs & JIRA
