h4. *Samples roles and responsibilities documentation:*
University of Pennsylvania [^Roles and Responsibilities Overview PMAP 11.10.doc]
Princeton University [https://sp.princeton.edu/oit/pcs/Project%20Office/projectofficetemplates/Forms/AllItems.aspx]
IS&T Student System Vision Study [^Student System Vision - Project Roles.docx]
Foundations of Project Management Course [^W1T4 Roles and Responsibilities.pdf]
ProjectSmart.co.uk [http://www.projectsmart.co.uk/raci-matrix.html]
Gantthead.com [^Proj_roles.doc]
h4. Project Roles and Responsibilities Matrix (Working Copy)
|| PROJECT PHASE || || || || || || || || || ||
|| || Planning || Initiation || Requirements || Design || Development || Integration Testing || Quality Assurance || User Acceptance || Deployment || Support ||
|| Tasks | Vision and scope \\ Sponsor approval \\ Stakeholder identification | {HTMLcomment:hidden}
{HTMLcomment} Budget \\ Secure resources \\ Daptiv input | {HTMLcomment:hidden}
{HTMLcomment} Project plan \\ Business process model \\ Functional requirements \\ Reporting requirements \\ Project plan \\ Communication plan | {HTMLcomment:hidden}
{HTMLcomment} Conceptual model \\ Functional specs \\ Prototype \\ Usability review \\ Support model \\ RFP (if needed) | {HTMLcomment:hidden}
{HTMLcomment} Code reviews \\ Test plan \\ Documentation | {HTMLcomment:hidden}
{HTMLcomment} Bug fixes | Regression testing | {HTMLcomment:hidden}
{HTMLcomment} Test use cases | {HTMLcomment:hidden}
{HTMLcomment} Testing \\ Bug fixes \\ Regression testing \\ Training | {HTMLcomment:hidden}
{HTMLcomment} Service release matrix \\ Escalation paths |
|| Project Manager | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
|| Business Analysts | | | x | | | x | x | x | | |
|| Technical Lead | | | x | x | x | x | | x | | x |
|| Project Team | | | x | x | x | x | | x | x | |
Roles || Sponsor | x | x | x | x | | | | | x | x |
|| Stakeholders | x | | x | x | x | | | | x | x |
|| Testing Team (Community) | | | | | x | x | x | x | | |
|| Finance | | x | | x | | | | | | |
|| Procurement | | | | x | | | | | | |
|| Customer Support | | | x | x | | | | x | x | x |