iLab Papers, Articles, Presentations and Thesis
- iLabs Presentation for Amrita University. September 21, 2010. WebEx Online presentation. Presentation URL
- San Cristobal Ruiz, E. Castro Gil, M. A., Harward, V. J., Baley, P., DeLong, K., Hardison, J. (2010)"Integration View of Web Labs and Learning Management". IEEE Educon 2010. April 14-16, 2010. Madrid, Spain.
- DeLong, K., Harward, V. J., Bailey, P., Hardison, J., Kohse, G., Ostrovsky, Y. (2010) "Three Online Neutron Beam Experiments Based on the iLab Shared Architecture". IEEE Educon 2010. April 14-16, 2010. Madrid, Spain. Paper PDF
- Hardison, J. L., DeLong, K., Harward, V. J., del Alamo, J., Shroff, R., Oyabode, O. (2010) "Enabling Remote Design and Troubleshooting Experiments Using the iLab
Shared Architecture". ASCE Earth and Space Conference 2010. March 14-17, 2010. Honolulu, HI. Paper PFD Presentation PPT Workshop PPT