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24, 2010

Phone bridge *number: 617-452-2163  * , time 5pm to 6:30 pm , 10 lines

  1. W x-section paper (Table of tasks
    1. xxx
  2. AOB

August 17, 2010

Present: Justin, Rosi, Jan, Gene, Joe, Ross

  1. W x-section paper (Table of tasks
    1. Pythia simu : done, see table (Jan)
    2. absolute lumi, Ross
    3. BTOW Longitudinal Leakage: Justin
    4. add more ...
  2. AOB
  3. Announcements:
    1. W AL paper posted at RHIC, intended submission to PRL : August 23, 2010. Elapsed analysis time between end of data taking (April 13,2009) and submission to PRL will be 16.5 months. Lets do better for run 11 (smile)
    2. Joe is back

August 10, 2010

Present:Justin,Rosi, Ross, Bernd,Scott, Hal, Jan


  1. Ongoing data analysis
    1. Re-analysis of vernier scan Ross's blog leads to a more gaussian shape, and reduced systematics.
    2. Study of W trigger efficiency Justin's blog
    3. more .... ?
  2. Papers
    1. W AL paper layout & task list ##* few plots form Jan : change J-peak shape , add Q/PT cut
    2. W x-section layout and task list##* Comments from Jan are added to the layout-blog, in particular:
        1. current task list is not suited for the spin PWG presentation - we need to be sure what we want
        2. big issues for W x-section : sufficient accuracy of BTOW calib, need for new simu w/o embedding, need for embedding request
        3. Z x-section will require lot of new work (Z-alog, effi) - what are benefits/cost of this extra work


  1. W production priority: Bedanga - we are #1
  2. Code readiness : Jerome 'new'=SL09g was assembled on Monday
  3. Data production readines based on 1/7 of data produced in dev=SL09g
    • muDst at: /star/data05/scratch/balewski/2009-muDst-beamLine3/, BFC="pp2009c ITTF VFPPVnoCTB BEmcChkStat beamLine Corr4 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D -dstout -evout", ready for evaluation
    • PPV QA : Rosi#** beam line : Rosi
    • TPC calib - Joe, Gene, Jan
      • chi2/dof, Q/PT from SL09g Jan's blog
      • SC &GL - After pileup reduction - Still systematic problems - Developing new method to deal with it.
        • dedx
    • QA BTOW, ETOW, TRG response in dev  - Justin's blog
  4. Embedding readiness - Pibero
    • TPC: position corrections for mixed clusters, chi2/dof, dedx - Gene
    • summary of convergence about SF & LOW_EM - Matt
    • are ETOW gains 'ofl' ?
    • BTOW+ETOW gain data/mc - Justin follow up blog
    • Ilya - update
    • pilot W-embedding request of single high energy electrons details - not in execution
      • goals:
        Code Block
        * test how beam line offset used by GSTAR is changed from fill to fill,
        * test how multiple use of the same ZB events is handled (different M-C seed, different output file name)
        * test the ZB event time stamp, event ID, run # is preserved
        * test proper gains for BTOW & ETOW are used
        * test reco electron energy agrees w/ thrown energy
        * test chi2/dof for tracks is reasonable
        * test dedx is reasonable
        * test raw ADC for all BTOW & ETOW towers are stored in muDst
        * test correlation between .geant and muDst events
        * test timing , disk space
  5. W x-section: Ross
  6. AOB


  1. TPC calib: SC &GL - not there yet
  2. Update on embedding readiness - Pibero slides#* suggested sequence of W-embedding steps
    • do we need plan C: give up on tuning of TPX slow simu, multiply dedx by 2.6, live with the chi2 mismatch (factor 1.5)
  3. EMC data vs. M-C compatibility (pre-embedding test) - Justin
  4. BEMC sampling fraction study - Ilya blog
  5. closing of the Endcap geometry - Ilya, 2 words update
  6. Comments on Bernd's W-presentation at RSC meeting at LBL talk


  1. LO interpretation of AL at mid rapidity - Bernd
  2. Presentation(s) for RSC meeting at LBL#* new plots from old data replay, no spin info: PDF-1#*# Zs: inv mass, phi1 vs, phi 2


  1. result of analysis of SL09b production
    1. Jan (Drupal blog )
      1. presentation of W-algo ver 4.0 using BTOW & TPC, for 1M input events
      2. Run 9 results as of September 1 Slides #### histogram-based dump of selected events
        1. Larger collections of events: di-jets , W-candidates , Z-candidates
        2. Matt's 3 interactive events in skechup or just one view , at Scott's angle
        3. sequential histograms from pass through 1M events (LT=~8/pb)
      3. M-C simulation analysis histograms for Pythia W-events (LT=320/pb) , filtered QCD-events LT=6.3/pb, Z-events LT=4200/pb
      4. Suggestions: count # of track pointing to cluster; compare ET vs. PT for electron
    2. Joe adopted his algo developed on M-C to work with Run 9 data
      • removed BSMD, changed to tower-based center of gravity, relaxed cuts: PT>5 GeV/c, delEta & delPhi<0.5, isoFraction of 0.8
      • Uber-preliminary result for 1M input events results plots
  2. Run 9 data publication strategy has been discussed and in general agreed up. Use of BSMD for PRL paper 1 was discussed - it is worth trying.
  3. Questions/comments
    1. from former prominent STAR collaborator:
      • Could the Z-candidates be di-jets? cosmic rays? Do you try to do any charge sign discrimination on the electrons (i.e., opposite sign on the 2 sides for "Z-candidates")? Phi distribution does not appear indicative of cosmics.
      • Most importantly, is "Jacobian peak" absent when you look at 200 GeV data with the same algo and cuts?
      • Lots of questions, but this does look really promising, seems to give you NN W candidates NN Z candidates in the barrel region. It's a bit surprising that such a crude isolation cut, with no away-side ET upper threshold or SMD criterion, would suppress jet background so effectively. We always thought we would have to work much harder than this to unveil a signal above background.
    2. Jan: Lets plan to use BFC filter to get rid of not-BHT3 events from pp200 data. Process LT~10/pb. Needs: adopted filtering code, run selection, 1mm accuracy of TPC calibration (within month), supported production request
    3. Joe: estimate TPC tracking efficiency difference for e+ vs. e-
  4. Ross - vernier scan analysis
    1. lots of detail about how I do the fit - Ross is looking for explanation why his calculations are off by ~4 orders of magnitude. knows
    2. Comparison of Vernier scan from 2 pp500 runs - background visible in both
    3. Comments/suggestions:
      • post study with eliminated TP affected the most by the beam background - no link yet. Even removing the noisiest high tower patches still leaves considerable amounts of background. ADD LINK
      • post input data from Angelika Raw data from Angelika
      • exercise the code on mock data to verify it reconstructs width correctly
  5. Joe - BTOW relative gains, not yet
  6. new phone meeting time moved to : Tuesday 5-6 pm EDT
  7. low TPC tracking efficiency at eta~0. Gene: may by a better T0 suffice to correct it - lets wait for the outcome. How can we address this issue?

    August 27, 2009


  1. TPC, Gene:
    • non-linear SC(lumi) should provide TPC track accuracy of 2 mm at both ends of the track. We hope Joe will work on this next week, should take a week.
    • We could also use Gene's PCA method of finding a linear combination of scalers (each at first order).
    • since linear SC(lumi) was tuned to lumi equivalent to ZDC base rate of 70kHz, any pp500 run taken at the ZDC rate has current best TPC calibration. Jan: I'll use it for beam line constrain study, see below.
    • Wiki Markup
      *beam line constrain* : plan A is Rosi & Jan succeed with 3D beam line fit to global tracks w/o intermediate vertex finding. Here are \[[Media:Beamline-v3.pdf |details of the algo]\] as intended and not implemented. If this works Gene needs a \~day to produce beam line constrain for all 39 fills.  Plane B is to use Minuit vertex finder which may require significant stats to overcome jitter due to pileup tracks. In such case we would need to provide manpower for \~week long job, Gene would only supervise it. Jan: lets go for plan A.
    • conclusion: once both items are resolved we can ask for production, perhaps 2 weeks from now.
  2. BTOW, ETOW gains - no progress.
  3. Wiki Markup
    BSMD : Willie is working '''slopes for individual strips'''. He run over 10k VPD-minB events and got  this \[[Media:BSMD-strips-Picture 16.png|2D plot of module 119]\] and spectra \[[Media:BSMD-strips-Picture 15.png |individual strips]\]. The  available 1.5M vpd-minB events should be  enough to  fit every strip. If not we will merge strips.
  4. Wiki Markup
    BSMD geometry: Scott asked how well we know '''relative position of BSMD vs. TPC'''. It is [followed up on emc2-hn |]. <p> Scott once did \[[Media:Conversions-distace-Scott.pdf \| simple calculation for photons that convert to e+/e\- pairs|]\] in the SVT, attached. <br>The relevant equation is on the bottom left.  For the W -> e, we have r_1 = 0, r_2 = 2.3 m (approximate radius of BSMD planes), and B = 0.5 T.  With these numbers, you get the simple relation<br>  dPhi (cm) = 40 / pT (GeV)<br>For example, an electron of 40 GeV pT will deflect in the phi direction by 1 cm relative to the same e- of infinite pT.  This is probably good to better than a few %.
  5. run QA : Scott is working on his fills.
