All items will appear in JIRA
*Sprint 1(highest priority)
#. HTML/CSS mockup: add a mockup with generic drilldown state
#. Home screen mockup: add "Create Workset" button
#. Advanced search screen: mock up based on existing MITBI custom-search form, adapting existing jQuery controls for autocomplete fields
- Sprint 1/optional - Sprint 2
- Workset screen: Add "Add/Remove Cost Object" (or "Manage Cost Objects") button
- + Cost Object Static/Dynamic add screen
- People in a Workset screen: Rebuild mockup showing just 5-column summary (Name, Appointment, Salary, CO, Comments flag) – no monthly time series data or data entry here
- Workset Permissions screen: New mockup based on specs/info to be provided by Amon (provided - ACH)
- Workset About screen: New mockup based on specs/info to be provided by Amon (NOT provided - ACH)
- Scenarios tab of Workset: New mockup per our whiteboard discussion
- Add Scenario Change Rule screens
- Sprint 2 +
- Mock up a Comments view as invoked from within a typical screen
**Cost Object:- Add "Scenario" pulldown as another context filter
- Mock up Spotlight-like search to guide user to correct point(s) in current GL hierarchy
- Add "Expand/Collapse All" button(s)
- Create a version of the mockup showing GL hierarchy expanded at the "Salaries & Wages" branch to show individual people
- Work on how to visually indicate that the user is viewing a state representing a non-approved scenario
- Mock up a Person detail screen as an in-situ drilldown similar to how we've shown drilldowns within a reporting/tracking screen
- Mock up a Comments view as invoked from within a typical screen
- Mockup - search page changes
- Initial html/css
- Initial assets
- Refactor (8 hours)
- Introduction to codebase
- Add namespace collision/prevention
- Performance optimization