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  1. Carl's question about tau background for paper ver 2.0
    1. Short answer: NO, "Pythia does not include spin effects", Pythia 8.4, manual page 265
    2. Simu polarized tau decay at LHC Peskin, 2007 , page 17
    3. Pythia+TAUOLA example MC-TESTER , page 9
    4. TAUOLA, 2005 can be used w/ Pythia
    5. hadronic tau decay @ LHC
  2. TPC working point for pp500 in run 11 Gene
    1. how do I convert the X-axis in to instantaneous luminosity?
    2. how do I convert the Y-axis in to separation between +/- charge for high pT tracks.
    3. how can I infer loss of efficiency (and reco pT degradation) due to lost not-deconvoluted clusters.
  3. more on BG(eta) from run 9 , Jan
  4. status of EEMC slow simu
  5. run 11 preparation:
    FOM , Jan
