- SD Issues and Trends
- Back to School - there is always a lot of preparation work as well as many late days, and weekend hours put in before and during the back to school rush.
- Re-focusing on new Customer Support staff, functions and organization of work. There will be challenges inherent in figuring out how to re-focus the work of Customer Support
- Responding to recommendations of Dell Help Desk Study. Depending on the nature of the findings and recommendations there is likely to be some challenging work to be done to improve our services.
- Establishing stronger, sustainable collaborations with other help desks on campus starting with Sloan. Preliminary conversations are already underway.
- Establishing ways to sustain engagement with support functions now in other parts of IS&T. With DS/DITR and ITSS in Operations and Infrastructure, and Training and Docs in Systems Engineering, we need to establish new communication and collaboration mechanisms to ensure a single IS&T approach to Customer Support.
- Student Laptop distribution at start of fall. Start of fall semester sees the highest demand for the student laptops. We will need to spend some time in the latter part of the summer making sure all the laptops are cleaned, maintained and ready to go.
- RT Upgrade. Assuming development continues on schedule and testing is successful, we will need to communicate broadly and plan for an upgrade to 3.8 in early fall. Currently the project lead position is open with Irina's departure.
- Hiring/Staffing – filling open positions created with shifts of staff during reorganization and/or staff departures.
FY10 Q3
• Pharos printing pilot in W20 and W7
• Nominated SIPB for an MIT Excellence Award
• Video tools at MIT
• Athena/faculty working group started
• Hermes presented at NERCOMP with favorable reception
• 287 new articles, 551 modified articles
• 60 Athena machines on campus upgraded in the field (FSX)
• Student Laptop loaner program successfully loaned 70 laptops
• Accounts deactivation in January. Support for all MIT users needing sponsorship updates
FY10 Q2
Barbara Goguen’s email to Patricia Sheppard for the Service Desk contribution (dated 1/7/2010)