Download software installers for packages to be included on Host machine. We will share to that folder rather than downloading into the VM to expedite the process and be able to reuse it later.
Rename folder to Windows 7 - x32 - Student.vmwarevm
Rename vmx configuration file to Windows 7 - x32 - Student.vmx
Rename Disks - do we want to do this? Is there an easier way. Have to update the .vmdk file and the .vmx file to match - use Emacs on Windows or other CRLF smart text editor
Launch VM by double clicking on .vmx file
Edit the VM before powering on
make sure CDROM set to AutoDetect
Enable Sharing (Always Enabled) - we'll come back to enable mirroring later
Add a mapping to the folder with the installers from above
Power on the VM (this can take 10-15 minutes) You will see the Starting Windows followed by Setup is updating the registry settings followed by Setup is starting services, followed by Setup is installing devices, followed by Setup is applying system settings, followed by Setup will continue after reboot. Reboot happens. Starting Windows followed by Setup is preparing your computer for first use.
You will automatically be logged in as an administrator
We always recommend selecting Public Network for the Network Location as it is the most locked down.
You will see the System Preparation Tool 3.14 dialog - you can safely close that by clicking the red X (DO NOT click OK at this point!)
Update Windows and AV definitions
The Base VM is already configured to take updates from MIT WAUS and AV updates from McAfee, but you can speed the process along.
Be sure to Defer the Virus Scan until you are ready for it as it will hog resources and slow down the process
Start -> All Programs -> Windows Update
Install updates
Update VirusScan Enterprise
Right click on the VirusScan Shield and select Update Now (you will need to click the little up triangle in the system tray to see it)
You may not see a dialog
Confirm the update happened by Right Clicking on the shield and selecting About VirusScan Enterprise. The data should be today's or yesterdays date.
Reboot (Click Restart now) after updates are installed.
Updates will finish configuring
Double check AV update if that didn't finish.
Now we are ready to install the software.
Install Custom Software for Students
The order actually does matter as some applications have dependencies on other apps. Unless otherwise stated, assume we went with the defaults for the install.
Browse to the Shared Folder mapped as Z: probably and launch the installers
KfW 3.2.2
SecureCRT/FX 6.2.3
Firefox 3.6.6
uncheck use Firefox as my default web browser
uncheck Launch Firefox now - it doesn't help to import things from IE yet as this account will not be used by the user
VLC media player 1.1.0
check Mozilla plugin
uncheck Run VLC media player 1.1.0
OpenOffice 3.2.1
Leave settings at Windows User and MIT
Matlab R2010a (student version) see instructions linked above for installing Matlab - takes about an hour
JDK 6 update 20 with NetBeans 6.9
unchecked at end of the install:
Contribute to the NetBeans project...
Register the NetBeans IDE and Java SE Development Kit
Double check Windows Update and Virus Definitions - see above Your VM should look something like:
Shutdown VM
Save a copy
Browse to folder, right click and drag - Select Copy
Power up VM
Generalize Windows
In System Prepration Tool box, select
Enter System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)
Check Generalize
Set Shutdown Options to Shutdown (very important!) Image Added
Click OK - Sysprep will now make this installation of Windows general (aka unique) Image Added
Make the VMware configuration general following these instructions (insert link to Blake's instructions)