- run the url at monthly intervals to get a new list of files and counter values.
- paste the contents of that output file at the bottom of the New Data worksheet, add the date to the third column, imitating what's already there; copying the formulas in columns four and five down for all the rows.
- If there are filenames that resolve to "0" in the name lookup, copy the filename to the Lookup worksheet and assign a name; recalc and refresh pivot tables. (If you want to exclude it from counting (like a text file or misspelled url) skip it.)
- The Pivots worksheet shows the values per software title over time, and computes the difference from the first to the last in the table. (You can adjust the number of months shown in the pivot table to compute across a subset of months. For instance, to do a quarter only, turn off the wrong months, leaving just three visible; the Diff column will compute based on what it can see.)
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