President's Report - FY10 Q4
FY10 Q3
- ATIC hosted Adaptive Technology Open House on January 27, 2010, demonstrating technologies for persons with disabilities to 35 attendees who represented 10 different MIT DLCs.
- Collaborated with Terrascope Radio faculty to designate and successfully implement an alternative accessible sound editing software as part of the course curriculum. (Sony SoundForge was selected as the accessible alternative to Adobe Audition).
- Started development of Accessible PDF Curriculum to provide guidelines and training in creating PDF files that are accessible to users with disabilities.
- Engaged MIT Home Page Redesign to implement accessibility recommendations which positively impacted users with disabilities on campus.
- RAFT2 engagement of usability consulting resulted in an acceptance of more end user requests: e.g., a decision was reversed to include a feature set that could drastically improve efficiencies of PI's to manage their own finances.
- IAP Redesign Project early engagement of usability: 4 initial interviews discovered 3 unique means by which departments prepare, enter, and manage IAP offerings. This will serve as the basis to our recommendations as the IAP office considers doing an incremental improvement or an overall system rewrite to address actual usage needs.
- Implementation of IS&T web site accessibility recommendations have started.
- Accessibility/Usability combined reporting now being implemented on 90% of design reviews.