Level | Page title | URL | requested change | date requested | comments | date finished |
1.1 | Capture and Delivery | index.html | After "Who will record it?", insert "Are there any accessibility concerns?", with 'accessibility' linked to accessibility.html | 6/7/10 | note accessibility.html page has not been created yet | 6/10/10 RS |
1.1 | Capture and Deliver | index.html | the Jump To links on this page (and all pages in the portal) need to click to the real pages. Accessibility needs to click to accessibility.html, etc. | 6/10/10 |
| 6/15/10 RS |
1.1 | Plan | plan.html | In Left Navigation, make 'Video' clickable, returning you to portal home page | 6/8/10 | done | 6/10/10 RS |
1.1 | Plan | plan.html | hyperlink underlines need to be fixed. | 6/17/10 | done |
1.2 | Capture | capture.html | Need the D.I.Y content from Kris & Kate. | 6/7/10 | In addition to Rule Broadcasting, I think we need to give some additional choices such as Talamas - http://www.talamas.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc. There may also be others out there that come to mind. -EM | |
1.3 | Edit | edit.html | content on edit.html is currently the same as content on plan.html. Need to swap back in the original content | 6/7/10 | done | 6/10/10 RS |
1.4 | Encode | encode.html |
1.5 | Trans | transcribe.html |
1.6 | Deliver | deliver.html | hyperlink underlines need to be fixed. More spacing between sub-headers | 6/17/10 | done |
2 | Conferencing |
| same content on conferencing as on Distance Learning | 6/16/10 | done |
3 | Distance Learning |
| same content on conferencing as on Distance Learning | 6/16/10 | done |
Jump To |
1 | Accessibility | accessibility.html |
| we need this page created. Kate will do. done | 6/16/10 K |
2 | permissions/copyright/ student privacy | privacy.html | will include permissions, copyright and student privacy. | 6/8/10 | we need this page created. Ann will do. done | 6/16/10 AW |
3 | Standards for physical media |
| create stand-alone page called 'physical-media.html' | 6/8/10 | we need this page created. Copy is here done. | 6/16/10 KB & RS 6/18/10 uploaded |
4 | output standards |
| where do the output standards go? If anywhere? |
5 | video production checklist | video-production-checklist.htm | need to transfer copy on this page here so that it is part of current site as a standalone page. | 6/8/10 | I would modify the following line "Wear what makes you most comfortable, but try to avoid small, high-contrast patterns, which will cause visual problems in the finished video" to "Wear what makes you most comfortable, but be aware that small, high-contrast patters such as pinstripes on a shirt as well as solid white or black can cause visual problems with the finished video." (Hopefully we can have some examples, even if stills that are screen shot grab examples.) | 6/16/10 KB & 6/16/10 uploaded RS |
1 | Why can't I publish to iTUnes U? |
| |
2 | Can someone tape my lecture? |
3 | Where can I edit my video? |
4 |